Thursday, 7 March 2013

Blog Post #2: Music Video Analysis

Lana Del Rey - Ride


           OKAY. SO. Lana Del Rey's Born to Die music video is not your everyday stereotypical teenage girl video. If fact, it is far from it. The reality constructed in it is not an accurate view of the world I know, with Lana putting her full trust in old biker men, living on the edge, to the most radical extent, out in a warm place in the U.S.  I think that if it were supposed to be a realistic representation of the world, it would have the old bearded bikers replaced with young media-accepted teenage boys, and the motorcycles replaced with cars, or at least have the actors and Lana wearing helmets. But common teenage reality is not what the video is going for. It seems as though it is creating a thrill-of-a-life type of fantasy. 

            Lana's producers have moulded her into a mysterious deep free character, that the media just can't get enough of. Watching this music video even just makes the viewer extremely curious about her. Why is she doing what she does? What made her that way? Even her appearance is incredibly unique, very "tumblresque", if you will. Maybe that is why she is becoming so successful. The media is always looking for the new thing, and Lana Del Rey is new. She is different. She is unique and mysterious. Below are some images and a gif from tumblr, all moments from the music video RIDE:

        It is a little more difficult to depict stereotypes in this music video than it would be in a 1D vid. But, that is one of the aspects that makes Lana so fascinating. The stereotypes that are were uncovered   in the video are
1. The teenage "yolo" type motto
2. "Hipster" fashion represents teen pop culture
3. Happiness comes from rebelling. " I am f*cking crazy but I am free"

1. This teenage motto is represented strongly - Lana goes on a road trip, and "Trusts in the kindness of strangers". In her speech after the song finishes, but the video still going, she expresses her hunger for freedom - to live and not regret. This completely reflects the codes and conventions of teen culture. Just not terribly long ago, Wiz Kalifa came out with the song "Young Wild and Free", which promoted to teens that we should go out, get drunk, smoke week (/get no sleep), live young wild and free. That is essentially the message of this song:

2. In RIDE, Lana is decked out in inspiring hipster summer clothes. Lana Del Rey may well be queen for pulling any sort of article of clothing off, just because she can rock it. When teen girls look at what she wears in the video, they may be inspired to follow her style, subconsciously aspiring to look as hipster as her. Personally, I love her style in the video, and in general, and that is part of what makes Lana so powerfully in her entrance into pop culture - she is a statement herself.

3. True happiness and freedom is obtained by rebelling. In the video, and speaking parts, it gets across that Lana was always an outcast in society - teens can relate to that feeling like nobody understands them. Sometimes all teens want to do is escape. Escape parents, escape school, people, parents... there's a certain thrill to the idea of running away, or escaping to create a life of your own. If Lana can create that in her video (which she does), it is a means for teens to relate, and escape. 

Values in the video: If you're an outcast, seek your own life. That's what Lana does, and it works out for her alright.. Well, that's only if you consider spending nights with 50 year-old biker men and drinking till dawn with them alright. 

The lifestyle that Lana leads is definitely a free one.  This gif basically sums it up ^

Different groups portrayed: Lana narrates: "I believe in the country America used to be". This highlights America as a place that once was free. Look at Woodstock 1960 - I think it's safe to call Lana Del Rey a modern-day hippie imported from Woodstock, except super famous. She holds up the American flag as she is riding on the back of the motorcycle, letting it ruffle in the wind. This is a mere representation of America, and how it is viewed from the perspective of being a free country.  

           An interesting thing is in the video that part of the stereotype of bikers is reversed.  Instead of being rough and tough and beating up women, they come off as kind strangers, "friends" with the free Lana Del Rey, "welcoming hr warmly" onto their bikes and into their homes. Creepy? Naaa, just a few nice friendly giants showing their loveable side.

            Without the video, the song would still be brilliant, but I feel it would be lacking. Without the video, there would be no narrated beginning and end to put the story behind the song together. The art and talent gathered to create this masterpiece is incredible. The way the scenes are put together, stringing together a powerful story if you are in-tune enough to notice, create a whole other world. The video editing and colour scheme of the video form a dimension of fantasy mixed with reality, deeply artistic if lingered with long enough. 
The target audience for RIDE music video is definitely mid to late teenage girls, and maybe guys. For the girls, it is appealing for the vibes, feel of it, fashion, and the beauty figure Lana. For guys (stereotypically), the motor cycles, sketch biker dudes, and the super attractive Lana. For both genders, and more generally the teenage audience, the values of freedom, rebellion, and wild spirit. "Live fast, die young". The video does an incredible job not only fitting to the song, but adding to it. The narration in Lana's speaking voice is precious, and the song would not be the same without it. 

Narration before and after song, spoken by Lana Del Rey: 

 was in the winter of my life, and the men i met along the road were my only summer. at night i fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them. three years down the line of being on an endless world tour, and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me, and my only real happy times. i was a singer, not a very popular one. i once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that i wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken. but i didn’t really mind because i knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it to know what true freedom is.
when the people i used to know found out what i had been doing, how i had been living, they asked me why. but there’s no use in talking to people who have a home. they have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people, for home to be wherever you lay your head.
i was always an unusual girl. my mother told me i had a chameleon soul. no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality. just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean. and if i said i didn’t plan for it to turn out this way i’d be lying, because i was born to be the other woman. i belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. who had nothing, who wanted everything, with a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that i couldn’t even talk about it, and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me.
every night i used to pray that i’d find my people. and finally i did, on the open road. we had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore, except to make our lives into a work of art. live fast - die young - be wild - and have fun.
i believe in the country america used to be. i believe in the person i want to become. i believe in the freedom of the open road. and that motto is the same as ever. “i believe in the kindness of strangers, and when i’m at war with myself, i ride, i just ride.” -
 So, overall I think that this music video has been successful in it's endeavors. I personally love it and genuinely think it is a good music video. It's thought-provoking. The creativity put into it between the camera work, editing, fitting to song, messages portrayed, and lyrics, is all beautiful. The lyrics of the narration as well as the song are geneous. (see above lyrics). Lana Del Rey's producers have most definitely done a phenomenal job in creating this whole media character around Lana. This video supports that sculpted persona of her, and flatters her talent and beauty. Lana Del Rey, she's an interesting character that one, and if I ever have to chance to meet her in person, I will be sure not to pass out from her halo of awesomeness. RIDE has been quite the journey. (get it.. journey.. road trip.... ride..;))(<- that's a joke) A phenomenal music video all together, one to remember in the history book of worthwhile music videos.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Blog 1. Task #1

Task #1: Blog Spot - Media Profile

1. I believe that media is very relevant, and rather important in my life. It is a way to connect with the world, and essentially experience a wide range of perspective. The majority of time I spend influenced by media is ruled by computer (internet) and music (internet and radio). TV is not terribly appealing to me, just to turn on whenever I feel like doing so, because it is easy to find whatever I am looking for online. The media influences my thoughts, my opinions, my ways, and my lifestyle. It can be either though of as invasive, or helpful. I like to keep it at a steady medium between the two. Media is a big part of my life, quite frankly, if I like it or not.

2. Three types of media that are most important to me are:
-Social networking

Music is incredibly important, as I am a musical person, and thrive with music in my soul. There is so much possibility open in music, endless genres, sounds, voices, just so much out there. I do frequently listen to the radio, because I do enjoy the anticipation of what song will be playing when I turn it on, or what will be playing next. There are so many stations available, and you can tune in virtually anywhere that is civilized with human beings. Social Networking is how I stay connected with people outside of face-to-face interactions. It allows a person to know so much about another without even meeting them. Is that weird or creepy? That's up to the individual to decide, but to also accept that social media is recognized as the status quo of today's media-bombed era. YOUTUBE MY FRIENDS, is my friend. I use Youtube for so many searches, from music videos, tutorials, random funny viral videos, to TV episodes. Search almost anything in youtube, and you shall receive.

3. Media is definitely changing and shaping our modern day society, no doubt about it. I personally have adapted to it, and have learned to flow with the river, and run with the wind, when it come to the media. I believe that the new technology now is in fact helping us progress. Whether the progression is negative or positive is in the eye of the beholder. With cell phones, a person can be reached at any point, at any time. Actually, when I broke my cell phone (accidentally), at first it was inconvenient, but after some time of living without it, it became extremely freeing actually. The feeling that for someone to get a hold of you, you have more control in responding to them through means besides a cell phone. To go on facebook or instagram, you have to wait until you have access to a computer. While not having a cell phone disabled me from certain aspects such as instagram, camera, keeping in contact with friends in regards to social situations, it allowed me to look around more, notice things that I wouldn't have otherwise, develop spiritually, and develop stronger face-to-face relationships with people.

                Putting aside the cell phone aspect of the media, I find some aspects of new media very intriguing and helpful. For example, I can now look up my favourite song on Youtube or, and listen to it as many times as my heart desires, without paying a penny. Now, I'm sure this is a disadvantage for the people in the music industry on the other side of the spectrum, but heck, it's great news for us. Same concept goes for pirating movies - the public rips them off, the movie industry has to fall back on other resorts to making money, and taking no risky paths, but rather the ones where they are completely positive the public will buy into. I use internet for so many purposes. I use it to look up information, homework help, as well as many other recreational purposes. Mass media is a large part of my internet use, mostly including facebook and.... yep basically facebook. Twitter is overrated.  I also have just recently began using it for online shopping. I wouldn't completely switch to online shopping verses real life shopping, bcause there is always the risk factor of not being able to see it's quality, feel it, try it on, ect. So generally speaking , modern pop culture can be neither good or bad. It just is, and it IS a large part of today's society.

4. A form of media that I am passionate about it music.  I listen to it and I make it. "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life". Music is a means to express one's self, and to convey a message. It can change one's mood to the polar opposite in an instant. If used in a certain way, it can resemble a drug. For example, Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" is incredible. I will place a bet on proving with scientific evidence that the effects of weed or LSDs are the same as listening to this brilliant ten minute song. Who needs drugs when you have Pink Floyd (and Rush and Lead Zepplin ect)? Revolutions in music fascinate me. 1969 was the year of the first official Woodstock, also known as the "the great hippie festival". Between the war in Vietnam which struck a huge impact on the people of America with the mass exposure of unseen footage of the bloody fights, and other contributing factors in the time, music took a great turn in the late 1960s, and 1970s. A revolution of music reflecting the experimental era began to flourish. It makes me chuckle when parents say that our society now a days is far worse than it was when they were a kid. That may be true, but I'm sure people my age will be saying that when we grow old and look at our descending generations. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Experiencing music from the 70s era comes with an air of far more than just music, which is what makes it so incredibly special. Even some music today is mind-blowing, yet it takes a keen ear to depict it. Music is mind-blowing. Music has it's own universe, as though it has it's own language, and way of being. To step inside that universe is a gift, and a gift of such forgotten wonder, it is important to remember that all music should be valued, no matter what opinions of it exist.

Here is a taste of true beauty:
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd LIVE comeback concert October 20th 1994.