Tuesday 5 March 2013

Blog 1. Task #1

Task #1: Blog Spot - Media Profile

1. I believe that media is very relevant, and rather important in my life. It is a way to connect with the world, and essentially experience a wide range of perspective. The majority of time I spend influenced by media is ruled by computer (internet) and music (internet and radio). TV is not terribly appealing to me, just to turn on whenever I feel like doing so, because it is easy to find whatever I am looking for online. The media influences my thoughts, my opinions, my ways, and my lifestyle. It can be either though of as invasive, or helpful. I like to keep it at a steady medium between the two. Media is a big part of my life, quite frankly, if I like it or not.

2. Three types of media that are most important to me are:
-Social networking

Music is incredibly important, as I am a musical person, and thrive with music in my soul. There is so much possibility open in music, endless genres, sounds, voices, just so much out there. I do frequently listen to the radio, because I do enjoy the anticipation of what song will be playing when I turn it on, or what will be playing next. There are so many stations available, and you can tune in virtually anywhere that is civilized with human beings. Social Networking is how I stay connected with people outside of face-to-face interactions. It allows a person to know so much about another without even meeting them. Is that weird or creepy? That's up to the individual to decide, but to also accept that social media is recognized as the status quo of today's media-bombed era. YOUTUBE MY FRIENDS, is my friend. I use Youtube for so many searches, from music videos, tutorials, random funny viral videos, to TV episodes. Search almost anything in youtube, and you shall receive.

3. Media is definitely changing and shaping our modern day society, no doubt about it. I personally have adapted to it, and have learned to flow with the river, and run with the wind, when it come to the media. I believe that the new technology now is in fact helping us progress. Whether the progression is negative or positive is in the eye of the beholder. With cell phones, a person can be reached at any point, at any time. Actually, when I broke my cell phone (accidentally), at first it was inconvenient, but after some time of living without it, it became extremely freeing actually. The feeling that for someone to get a hold of you, you have more control in responding to them through means besides a cell phone. To go on facebook or instagram, you have to wait until you have access to a computer. While not having a cell phone disabled me from certain aspects such as instagram, camera, keeping in contact with friends in regards to social situations, it allowed me to look around more, notice things that I wouldn't have otherwise, develop spiritually, and develop stronger face-to-face relationships with people.

                Putting aside the cell phone aspect of the media, I find some aspects of new media very intriguing and helpful. For example, I can now look up my favourite song on Youtube or Grooveshark.com, and listen to it as many times as my heart desires, without paying a penny. Now, I'm sure this is a disadvantage for the people in the music industry on the other side of the spectrum, but heck, it's great news for us. Same concept goes for pirating movies - the public rips them off, the movie industry has to fall back on other resorts to making money, and taking no risky paths, but rather the ones where they are completely positive the public will buy into. I use internet for so many purposes. I use it to look up information, homework help, as well as many other recreational purposes. Mass media is a large part of my internet use, mostly including facebook and.... yep basically facebook. Twitter is overrated.  I also have just recently began using it for online shopping. I wouldn't completely switch to online shopping verses real life shopping, bcause there is always the risk factor of not being able to see it's quality, feel it, try it on, ect. So generally speaking , modern pop culture can be neither good or bad. It just is, and it IS a large part of today's society.

4. A form of media that I am passionate about it music.  I listen to it and I make it. "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life". Music is a means to express one's self, and to convey a message. It can change one's mood to the polar opposite in an instant. If used in a certain way, it can resemble a drug. For example, Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" is incredible. I will place a bet on proving with scientific evidence that the effects of weed or LSDs are the same as listening to this brilliant ten minute song. Who needs drugs when you have Pink Floyd (and Rush and Lead Zepplin ect)? Revolutions in music fascinate me. 1969 was the year of the first official Woodstock, also known as the "the great hippie festival". Between the war in Vietnam which struck a huge impact on the people of America with the mass exposure of unseen footage of the bloody fights, and other contributing factors in the time, music took a great turn in the late 1960s, and 1970s. A revolution of music reflecting the experimental era began to flourish. It makes me chuckle when parents say that our society now a days is far worse than it was when they were a kid. That may be true, but I'm sure people my age will be saying that when we grow old and look at our descending generations. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Experiencing music from the 70s era comes with an air of far more than just music, which is what makes it so incredibly special. Even some music today is mind-blowing, yet it takes a keen ear to depict it. Music is mind-blowing. Music has it's own universe, as though it has it's own language, and way of being. To step inside that universe is a gift, and a gift of such forgotten wonder, it is important to remember that all music should be valued, no matter what opinions of it exist.

Here is a taste of true beauty:
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd LIVE comeback concert October 20th 1994.

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